California Tax Education Council

CTEC Committees

The California Tax Education Council (CTEC) has the following committees:

Audit Oversight Committee:

The Audit Oversight Committee shall have the responsibility in overseeing the audit process and working with the outside auditor on the timely completion of the audit, issuance of the audit report and responding to the Auditor’s Management Letter. Members of the Committee shall include the Treasurer, and two other directors that the Board Chair wishes to appoint. Neither the Treasurer nor the Budget and Finance Chair shall be the Chair of the Audit Oversight Committee.

Executive Committee:

A standing committee of CTEC, the Executive Committee has five members. Three members of the Executive Committee are the Board Chair, the Board Secretary and the Board Treasurer. The other two members of the Executive Committee are Board elected. The Board elected members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a one year term with the option of a one year renewal. They may not serve more than two consecutive years. Between Board meetings, the Executive Committee acts on issues that are not designated to the Board. The Executive Committee oversees the pressing business of CTEC between Board meetings, and reports its actions and findings directly to the Board of Directors.

Budget & Finance Committee:

The Budget & Finance Committee has a minimum of five members. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. The Treasurer should be an ex-officio member of the Budget & Finance Committee. The Committee oversees and contributes to the organizational budget process to ensure a balanced budget capable of supporting the adopted programs and activities of CTEC. To do this, Budget & Finance relies on timely Committee projections and their oversight by contract staff.

Bylaws Committee:

The Bylaws Committee has a minimum of three members. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee is responsible for the review of all amendments, and submits all amendments to CTEC legal counsel for conformance to California law before submitting the proposed amendments to the Board of Directors for approval. The Bylaws Committee has the right to originate amendments and define the bylaws process.

Communications & Technology Committee:

The Communications & Technology Committee is comprised of one member of each committee with the Chair appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee is chaired by the Board Chair. Committee chairs may appoint another committee member to replace them on the Communications & Technology Committee. The Communications & Technology Committee reviews and updates the CTEC website and online registration system.

Curriculum Provider Standards Committee:

A standing committee, the Curriculum Provider Standards Committee has a minimum of seven members. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee sets standards and procedures for curriculum providers, and evaluates the schools for approval as curriculum providers. The Curriculum Provider Standards Committee encourages compliance on the part of tax schools. It also provides the public with a list of CTEC approved curriculum providers.

Governance Committee:

The Governance Committee has a minimum of six members. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee was established to stimulate greater participation in committee activities from the registered tax preparer community and other qualified organizations that meet the requirements to appoint members to the Board. The Governance Committee works with other committees to establish policies and procedures for better inter-council communications. The operations of the Governance Committee ensure an efficient and effective CTEC organizational structure for the proper qualification of tax preparers who serve California consumers.

Governmental Relations Committee:

The Governmental Relations Committee has a minimum of six members. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee informs and updates the Board with regard to legislative actions. This Committee is the interface between the Board and the Legislature, and reviews and recommends changes to the law that may affect the mission of CTEC. Chief among its responsibilities is to prepare CTEC for its legislative Sunset Review.

Professional Standards Committee:

The Professional Standards Committee has a minimum of three members. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and making determinations regarding denials and discipline.

Public Awareness Committee:

The Public Awareness Committee has a minimum of six members. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of a communications program targeted to registered preparers, media, education providers, taxpayers and anyone interested in CTEC and its mission. The goal of the Committee is to ensure the public has an understanding of what CTEC is and who CRTPs are.

Tax Preparer Committee:

A standing committee, the Tax Preparer Committee has a minimum of six members. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee develops and implements Board standards and procedures for the issuance of Certificates of Completion and Statements of Compliance as required by Section 22255 of the California Business and Professions Code, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.