California Tax Education Council

New Preparer Application - Application Options

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Select Application Cycle Year

If you plan on preparing taxes between now and November 1st of this year, click on November 1, 2023 thru October 31, 2024, cycle year below.Once you register as a new preparer you will be required to take an additional 20 hours of continuing education and renew your registration for 2024/2025. The deadline for this renewal is October 31st of this year.

If you will not be preparing taxes between now and November 1st of this year, click on November 1, 2024 thru October 31, 2025 cycle year below.Once you register as a new preparer, you are required to take 20 hours of continuing education.This education must be taken from November 1, 2024 thru October 31, 2025. Any education taken before November 1, 2024 cannot be used to meet your 20 hour annual education requirement for cycle year 2025/2026.

Registration Cycle Year:

Select Your Application Type

New Preparer Application

This is the standard New Preparer Application which requires the completion of a 60 hour Qualifying Education Course.

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Experience in Lieu of Application

Please review the below requirements to be sure you qualify for the experience in lieu of education exemption. Once you have reviewed this information and you feel you do meet the requirements please contact the CTEC office to obtain a verification code.

The California Business & Professions Code has identified the following experience in lieu of education exemptions:
  1. Have been a Certified Public Accountant, Enrolled Agent, or Attorney for the most recent two years.  In this case you will need to provide a “copy” of the license or certification for confirmation regardless of the state of issuance.
  2. Have been EMPLOYED by a Certified Public Accountant, Enrolled Agent, or Attorney for the most recent two years.  In this case you will submit a letter from your employer on company letterhead confirming both their own license or certification and your employment status.  The letter should indicate that you have met the requirements for the experience in lieu of education application and elaborate on your tax preparation experience.
  3. Are you an individual who relocated into California? An individual who has relocated into California and has been a tax preparer in another state for the most recent two years will be required to complete a 15-hour Qualifying California Tax Course.  In order to provide proof of this, since most other states do not regulate tax preparers, we ask that you provide letters from a few of your clients indicating that you have prepared their taxes over the past years and confirming your tax preparation experience.  You may also submit a letter from an employer stating your employment as a tax preparer.  (see further requirements below for out of state applicants)


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